HealthiLife’s factory is a one of the largest, state of the art, fully-automated, 5 line Tetra Pak facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is where the entire production process is handled from blending to packaging. The size and advanced nature of the factory give HealthiLife the capacity to supply all of Africa. This gives the company the capacity for growth over the next 20 years.

HealthiLife’s philosophy is value addition through quality delivery. Quality for its customers is most important. The products do not contain preservatives which makes them totally natural. The sophisticated packaging process ensures that it is a bacteria-free environment. HealthiLife has a quality control lab, a microbiology lab and a maintenance office which are all important parts of what makes this an international level company. Quality assurance is built into every step of the process.

Currently HealthiLife is directly employing nearly one thousand people in Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Liberia — becoming a true multinational in the process.

The company’s staff is its most important asset. The HealthLife team is comprised of people who are well-versed in their areas of expertise. They are meticulous in what they do and they give their best. Ongoing training of employees guarantees that they are up-to-date on current issues and important advances. This leads to the making of the best product on the market.